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Automatic DJI Log Sync

Easily upload DJI logs into Air Control

Updated over 2 months ago

This is an enterprise feature for the Android Air Control app.

Air Control's new android update allows easier uploading of DJI flight logs right from the app instead of having to upload them manually. Most pilots are aware the DJI Cloud Sync feature has already been turned off in DJI for US users, and that they have until November 2024 to download their logs for backup, after which DJI will delete them. Once the logs are saved to the device, this feature can be used to sync everything off the remote controller or mobile device seamlessly back to Air Control.

There are a few options depending on your preferred workflow. Option 1 is recommended for a daily workflow to include missions and checklists. Option 2 is best for uploading past logs in batches. Option 3 is "set and forget" but doesn't work as well if you want to use the mission and checklist workflow in Air Control.

For day-to-day workflows, there are three options:

1. In the Mission Workflow:

For those using missions, workflows, checklists, etc. There is now a "switch flight app" option on the connect aircraft screen. This will listen for flights in the background while you fly in DJI, and when they get synced they will be attached with your mission and other logging activity.

2. Ad-hoc:

The next option to mention is the ability to upload flights in batches right off the controller. From the Main Menu > Flight Logs > you can access the new Flight Log Explorer. This is an easy way to select flights to sync off the device in batches. Even hundreds at a time.

3. Automatic Background Upload:

There is an auto-sync option from the main menu. Enabling this route will not work well with missions and workflows. This feature will automatically start syncing the log back to the web as soon as you land (and are online). Once configured, the user doesn't need to do anything else or even have the app open for the upload to work. Flights can always be attached to missions after the fact. This option is for admins and operations managers that want to import as much flight activity as possible from the entire team, even without using missions, checklists, workflows, notes, etc.

If you're interested in enabling this, and more, for your team, reach out to

Configure Auto Discovery

DJI RC Pro / RC Plus

DJI SmartController:

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