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Importing flights from Autel
Importing flights from Autel

How do I upload my Autel flights?

Updated over a month ago

To set up an Autel integration follow these steps.

First, create a token for the pilot's Autel integration in Air Control. Log into the web dashboard, and proceed to Manage > Connections page. Tap Add Connection in the top right, and choose Autel.

Search for the desired pilot and select the integration that matches the Autel drone and app in use, Click create token.

Once complete, you'll be able to copy the new Autel token. You can use the shortcut to copy or email the token to yourself for easy access in the mobile app.

Tap the user image in the upper right

Select Flight Records

Tap the in the data sync icon in the upper right (not the cloud sync).

Select Aloft for the Autel Flight Imports (EVO II V1 & V2)

Select Aloft Air Control for Autel imports and Live Telemetry on EVO II V3, Max 4T/4N, Alpha, and Lite Series.

Enter your token and tap Login.

Flights should automatically start syncing to Air Control as long as the Autel remote is powered on and connected to the internet. Flight may not start importing until after the next flight after setting up the import connection.

After updating the Autel app, if your integration stops working, try tapping "Exit" on the connection in the Autel app and then reenter your token to connect again.

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